In this Excelsheet you can find additional information on the data documentation such as stream names, units and instrument type of the Veenkampen, Loobos and Amsterdam data. Please note that the three stations each have a different tab.
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This page shows operational data in figures for the past week. The data are not yet subject to strict data quality control. By hovering over the figures, you can inspect the data in detail. Please visit our Data Documentation for more detailed information on the stream names. You may download the figures and use them…
Our data are collected to be used. The option ‘BASIC’ allows you to download the most common variables for one or more sites. Select the locations, the time range and the variables of your choice. The option ‘ADVANCED’ allows for downloading data packages (for example: meteorology, fluxes, soil data, air quality data). These data streams…
Here you are invited to draft your own figures from our entire historical database. Select one or more sites, a time range and the measured variable you would like to inspect and click ‘SHOW FIGURE’. Please visit our Data Documentation for more detailed information on the stream names. Check out how the meteorology, carbon uptake…
The MAQ observational data are provided with care for data quality and continuity. For questions or remarks about data quality, please contact us. While every effort is made to ensure the data quality and completeness, the data are provided “as is”. The burden of fitness of the data lies completely with the user. The accuracy…
Personal data we process MAQ-Observations processes your personal data because you use our services and products. Below is an overview of the personal data we process: E-mail address With what purpose and on what basis we process personal data MAQ-Observations processes your personal data for the following purposes: To inform you about changes to our…
Our data are being collected to be used. We make the data available for displaying and for download according to our MAQ Data License. The data may be used for displaying differences between sites, trends in time, studying particular (extreme) events and for verifying models. Note that we have more meta-data information documented here. We…
Amsterdam, as the capital of the Netherlands, is a hotspot of population density, industrialization, culture and innovation. The city contains a mix of quarters, ranging from historical to young, high-rise to extensive, build up to green in which people live, work and leisure. In Amsterdam we study the urban climate and how people experience it….
The Veenkampen site is located in the ‘Binnenveld’ area between Wageningen and Veenendaal. It’s grass on clay and peat is typical for the area. Its surroundings were converted from farmland into a wetland habitat since 2020. The Veenkampen site is a continuation of the former ‘Haarweg’ and ‘Duivendaal’ sites, which were reallocated because of city…
Loobos is located in a Pine forest the Veluwe natural park, one of the largest European natural areas. Pine are the dominant species in the Veluwe. Hence Loobos is representative for a much larger acreage. The site was first established in 1995 and was home to one of the 3 first ecosystem flux sites globally….
The Meteorology and Air Quality section runs three sites, where we collect meteorological and air quality measurements. The three sites are carefully chosen to represent the most frequent land cover types in the Netherlands: Veenkampen has grassland on peat, Loobos has Pine forest and Amsterdam as urban conglomeration. In general, we aim at collecting information…
At MAQ we collaborate with many groups, institutes and organizations nationally, and internationally. We always welcome new partners to join our consortium. If you are interested, please send an email to: .
The Meteorology and Air Quality Group studies the atmosphere in all its beauty and variety of phenomena and its relevance for weather, climate and air quality. In particular we deal with the atmosphere above land and how it relates to life and the environment. As a university group we are responsible for the education in…