About MAQ

The Meteorology and Air Quality Group studies the atmosphere in all its beauty and variety of phenomena and its relevance for weather, climate and air quality. In particular we deal with the atmosphere above land and how it relates to life and the environment.

As a university group we are responsible for the education in subjects of Meteorology and Air Quality at the BSc and MSc level and the training of PhD candidates. Students are guided in the basics of Weather and Climate, Forecasting, Turbulence and Dispersion, Boundary-Layer Meteorology and Chemistry, Atmospheric Dynamics, Desertification and Land use, and many other subjects.

The Meteorology and Air Quality department (MAQ) aims to contribute to the further understanding of atmospheric processes and their relevance for weather, air quality and climate. We do research on a variety of topics and horizontal scales.

For more information about publications, staff, research and education, please visit our web page on the WUR website.

At Wageningen University & Research the atmosphere has been studied since the establishment of the University in 1918. Emphasis has always been given to weather and land surface climate processes and how these impact on life and the environment.