MAQ-Observations now on GitHub

We started creating our very own MAQ-Observations GitHub to provide our users with clarity and insight in how we fill our database, and to provide some basic Python API request/post-processing scripts to use our data other than through the web-interface. To this end, we have created a GitHub organization ( with two separate repositories:

Pre-processing: This repository includes our ‘pre-processing scripts’ to process and homogenize our data for the database, and to send our data to the database in an automated way. This repository will remain rather static. This implementation is now operational for ~6 months, since the start of the database. Off course, to run these scripts in a meaningful way the user requires to have access to the raw data, as well as have an ApiKey that allows for posting data to our database. However, we want to be as transparent as possible to motivate other groups that want to provide near-real time operational database that can use this as an example.

Post-processing: This repository contains ‘post-processing’ scripts to download and plot data from our database, similar to what we also offer using our web-interface. However, this option might be especially relevant for people who prefer using Python to analyze our data. Furthermore, this repository will be constantly updated with specific use-case scenarios that might be relevant for the larger user-community. We welcome any contributions here, so please reach out to (or through GitHub) in case you want to contribute.