Data downloads

Our data are collected to be used. The option ‘BASIC’ allows you to download the most common variables for one or more sites. Select the locations, the time range and the variables of your choice. The option ‘ADVANCED’ allows for downloading data packages (for example: meteorology, fluxes, soil data, air quality data). These data streams include main and supporting variables. All data streams can be downloaded via the ‘SINGLE’ option where you can select your site, date range and variable of interest. Please visit our Data Documentation for more detailed information on the stream names. You are free to use the data according to our MAQ data license.

Please fill in your email address and you will receive an email once your requested data is ready. The data is available to download within a timespan of 24 hours. Be aware that the email might end up in your spam box.

Data Downloads

Relative humidity
Wind speed
Wind direction
Air pressure
Incoming shortwave radiation
Air Quality
Leaf Wetness